How to install MariaDB
For all you Linux gurus, you will be very familiar with a little databases server called MySQL. A lot of you will also know that MySQL has its limitations. For the beginner, installing is quite straight forward. Whether it be yum, apt-get or merely selecting it during the OS installation process. For most people, this Database is sufficient, but I’m sure some of you have been asking “Whats next?, Are there any alternatives on the horizon?”
I have recently stumbled accross a replacment database. Its name? MariaDB
What is MariaDB?
“MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL.”*
*taken from their own website
Its aim is to release reliable Open Source software by working closely with the community of users.
I for one welcome the software. I have now taken on the challenge to get to know and understand how MariaDB can be used, integrated and maintained.
As soon as I heard of MariaDB, I quickly spun up a VM on our Blaze Infrastructure. Installed CentOS 6.4 and completed the yum updates.
The first thing I found enjoyable was how easy it was to install. The MariaDB website gave all the information required to have it installed
If you want a shortcut. Simply head to MariaDB page for “Setting up repositories”
- Choose your Distro
- Choose your Release
- Choose a version
Once done, you will now have instructions on how to add the repository to your OS.
Install the DB Server and client
yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
Start the DB server
/etc/init.d/mysql start
Set a password for root
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
You might be wondering how you can use MariaDB. If you are a WordPress or Drupal fan, then MariaDB is officially supported and may provide some increased performance over a MySQL installation.
I recently found an article on the cPanel blog which talks about dropping MariaDB into the mix and replacing the default installation of MySQL. cPanel are even calling for votes in its feature request list to add it as a feature.
Take a look for yourself:
Whilst writing this post. I dumped a MySQL DB I had and imported it into the new instance I had just created. There were no errors and it worked seamlessly. I was impressed. The drop in replacement had been just that.
I would suggest you all give it a go. Its only by the support of community users that makes projects like this get off the ground and become mainstream.
Also, Good work Monty Program for being a primary developer of this software.
Digging deeper I found some prominent users which tells me that MariaDB has some serious weight behind it. Distro’s like RHEL7 and Fedora 19 are adopting this software over MySQL.
Anyway I will let you decide. Feel free to post comments of your thoughts.