Part 1: Google Apps for Work — Closer look at Gmail
Everyone with an Internet connection has heard of Gmail — it’s one of the largest mail services online to date, available in 72 languages and as of May 2015 holds around 900 million users. The cherry on top is that it’s a free Google app, supported by advertisements. With Google Apps for Work, you’re provided with a professional, business-grade version of Gmail, catered to your business in many exciting ways.
Main features:
- Professional email addresses
Gmail with Google Apps for Work provides you with professional email addresses for your domain, e.g. [email protected]. This helps to build customer trust, as well as project a professional impression. In addition, you can add as man group mail listings as your business needs, e.g. [email protected], [email protected], etc.
- Powerful mobile mail apps
Google Apps offers user-friendly mobile apps for both iOS and Android, in which you can read and draft emails offline, and they’ll be sent when you connect again.
- No advertising
Everything is better when it’s ad-free!
- 24/7-ness
Google Apps comes with ‘round-the-clock support as well as 99.9% guaranteed uptime to ensure that your sites are on 24/7.
- Sync with Microsoft Outlook
Sync emails, events and contacts to and from Gmail and Outlook with ease. It also works with other mail clients, such as Apple Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird.
- Loads of inbox storage
With 30GB of inbox storage, and the option to increase that to infinity, you and your colleagues will never need to worry about deleting an email again (although you should keep your inboxes tidy!).
- Automatic Backups
Hardware fail and you had just started writing that email? no stress, Google Gmail automatically backs up your emails. Google goes so far as to guarantee that paying Google Apps customers’ data can survive the loss of an entire data center. Even if a whole Google data storage facility is destroyed by fire, flood, or freak meteor impact, your Gmail data will be back up and running within 24 hours.
- Ultimate Spam Protection
Never receive another spam email again! Your incoming emails and outgoing with have access to Google’s super spam protection. You’ll spend less time deleting those nasty spam emails, and more time reaching your customers. It also includes enhanced email security, adding exclusives such as: custom filtering and content policies, email retention policies, IP address whitelisting, user-managed blacklists, and enforced compliance footers.
I want in!
If the sound of Google Apps’ Gmail really toots your horn, then you’re in luck! Crucial’s Managed Google Apps has launched. Find out more about this exciting product, new to the Australian hosting market. Change the way you do business, with Crucial.