There When You Need Him: Meet Aden

There When You Need Him: Meet Aden

Today, you get the chance to know your Crucial Concierge a little bit better than the just the voice on the phone.

Meet Aden

Name: Aden Youngaden

Role: Concierge

Interests/Hobbies: Music, Videogames, Movies

Favourite Music/Bands: Van Morrison, Bruce Springsteen, Glen Hansard

Favourite Movies/TV shows: Rick and Morty, Fargo (TV show), Battlestar Galactica

Favorite Sports: What’s a sport?

Favourite Videogames: Metal Gear Solid V, and the Uncharted series

Favourite Food: Burgers (my one weakness), and pesto pasta


Where did you start with Crucial?

I started off in Tech Support and I’ve worked my way through a Sales role to a Concierge role.

What is your best memory with Crucial?

Just good times in the office with the guys on a Friday.

What is your favourite thing about Crucial?

The team — I guess, the comradery that we all have helps get the job done. The relationships on the weekend goes into the work week.

What do you like the most about what you do at Crucial?

Helping people. When people have an issue, I get to provide the expertise to help them get it sorted out.

What was the most interesting job you had before Crucial?

I helped my dad in his Crystal shop.

What is your proudest moment in life?

Started playing guitar when I never thought I would do that. I guess the feeling of learning my first song on guitar is a proud moment.  

What is one thing you couldn’t live without?

Music — whenever I’m stressed out, I’ll put the right thing on and I’m back to neutral.

If you could have dinner with any fictional or nonfictional character, who would it be and what would you eat?

Irish stew with Van Morrison, because it’s just a ‘meeting with a hero’ type of situation. Maybe he can even help me with my guitar skills.

Which company value resonates most with you?

Just own it, because when somebody just owns it, sh*t gets done.

How would you sum up Crucial in three words?

Fun. Motivated. Productive.


