Your Guide to the VPS, and Why it’s the Right Choice for your Business
Having trouble figuring out what service is right for your business? Here is a quick guide on VPS and how it can increase your businesses performance online.
What is a VPS?
A virtual private server or VPS is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service which runs its own copy of an operating system whose customers have super-user level access to that operating system instance. This basically means they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. Since they are software-defined, they are able to be created and configured much more easily. For many purposes they are similar to a dedicated physical server, but are priced much lower.
What is Virtualization?
Although, the resources are still shared, virtualization provides a higher level of security. The individual virtual servers are mostly isolated from each other and may run their own, completely developed operating system that can be independently rebooted as a virtual instance. Partitioning a single server to appear as multiple servers has become quite common since the launch of VMware ESX Server back in 2001. The physical server runs a hypervisor which creates, releases and managing the guest operating systems and the virtual machines.
These guest operating systems are assigned with the resources of the physical server in such a way that the guest is not aware of any other physical resources allocated by the hypervisor. Since a virtual private server runs its own copy of the operating system, customers do have the super-user level of access to that operating system instance and are able to install almost any software that runs on the OS. However, it is important to mention that a VPS generally has limited processor time, RAM, and disk space as the number of virtualization clients typically running on a single machine is often high.
What is Linux VPS and what are its advantages?
Linux is operating system used on your VPS, it is known for its free and open-source software. It is the most widely used operating system.
Linux VPS does have its advantages. Quite a lot of them, actually.
- Virtual servers share the same system call interface and do not have any emulation overhead.
- Virtual servers can share a common file system and common sets of files through copy-on-write hard links, which makes it easier to back up a system and to pool disk space amongst virtual servers.
- As the processes within the virtual server run regularly on the host system, it is more memory-efficient and I/O-efficient than whole-system emulation, which cannot return unused memory or share a disk cache with the host and other virtual servers.
- Since these processes are queued on the same scheduler as on the host, guests processes are able to run simultaneously on SMP systems.
- There is no additional overhead for packages as networking is based on isolation rather than virtualization.
- Smaller plane for security bugs since there is only one kernel with small additional code-base as opposed to 2+ kernels and large interfaces between them.
- There are rich Linux scheduling features such as real-time priorities.
The Importance of CGI
The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, provides a means to connect or link from a web page to a program written in a scripting language that runs on the server. CGI Script is a Shell Script accessed via the CGI, and these Shell scripts are actually files containing a series of commands to be executed by the Unix Shell, therefore making them a feature of a Unix or Linux system. Other types of scripts accessed via the CGI include PERL scripts, which are readily available for either Unix/Linux or Windows and come by default with almost every Linux distribution, while on Windows they come in the form of a simple add-on. As it is quite a powerful, as well as popular, scripting language, it is available on most hosting service systems and is definitely something you will want to check out.
Why Cloud Linux is Important to your VPS?
If you want to keep your customers satisfied, you need to keep your services stable and error-free. One of the best ways of doing just that is using the Cloud Linux operating system. CloudLinux is the only commercially-supported Linux operating system specifically designed and engineered to satisfy all shared website hosting needs. It approaches all the never-ending hosting issues of compatibility, security, stability and multi-tenancy from a different angle and resolves them with style.
Cloud Linux operating system and cPanel interface are used in tandem to keep your ease of access high and the compatibility issues low. One of the key advantages of the Cloud Linux operating system is that one has the option of overlooking and controlling the resource usage of their website through the admin interface within cPanel. Faster, simpler and more stable hosting experience is enhanced as this OS protects you from having other hosted sites slow down or crash your server. This simply means fewer error messages for your visitors and more traffic and uptime. The server enables the support team to respond to hosting problems much faster and with more efficiently.
Why you should use CloudLinux
Designed for the cloud, Cloud Linux offers numerous advantages and many layers of controlling resources for each user hosted on your cloud server. Via Cloud Linux you are able to set CPU & RAM limits for each individual website, which makes your sites faster and more reliable. It is excellent for multi-tenant environments as well, and no longer will your entire network slow down due to a single user whose script has spiraled out of control.
Another crucial reason is certainly its improved security. Cloud Linux has been designed with only the highest levels of security in the minds of its engineers, limiting a user’s access only to critical parts of the operating system. Also, Cloud Linux can protect your cloud server from symlink attacks and trace exploits, while it restricts visibility of ProcFS only to what is necessary.
As we have already mentioned, its compatibility with cPanel is perhaps the main deal-maker. It is important to point out that Cloud Linux is the only operating system with a formal working relationship with cPanel and its customers are able to easily run the cPanel control panel on Cloud Linux. There is also a cPanel plugin which allows controlling the Cloud Linux resource limitations, thus providing you with the opportunity to manage your server via the cPanel web interface.
If you are after safety, security and performance for your business a VPS is the way to go.
Check out our wide VPS range if you’re interested in a hosting solution for any type and size of business.