The Official 2016 Digital Pacific/Crucial Office Olympics are here!
Gaining inspiration from the recent commencement of the 2016 Rio Olympics, the Digital Pacific/Crucial office has decided to undergo a version of their own — let me introduce you to the official 2016 Digital Pacific/Crucial Office Olympics!
Today was the opening event of the tournament…
Table Tennis (or Ping Pong)
Everyone was keen to compete, as table tennis is a dear game close to all of our hearts, whether it’s the larger (more vigorous) version, Tennis, or the small-scale (just as good, maybe even better) version. Trash-talking was obligatory and some competitive, yet creative discussions were had. There were many laughs, many handshakes, and luckily no crying (that we know of).
After a long tournament spanning 11 contestants, Tom N from Tech Support was the day’s victor, claiming himself the hypothetical gold medal — or rather, a buttload of biscuits and chocolates that he’s currently thoroughly enjoying. So if he’s muffling while he’s talking to you over the phone, he’s munching on a bikkie!
Check out the video that our Marketing team has produced in honour of the event: