14 Halloween Costumes for IT & Tech Lovers
Halloween is almost upon us and though some are not exactly ecstatic about the hyped, themed holiday, others are furiously rifling the Internet and costume shops for awesome and creative costumes that will essentially end in the ultimate social acceptance.
I’m a culprit of it too, once dressing as Robin (Batman’s apprentice), Robin Hood (heroic English outlaw), and Wally from Where’s Wally? So that you’re ready for whatever Halloween endeavours you get up to over the weekend, I’ve compiled a short list of unique tech-themed costumes for IT and general fanboys of sci-fi:
1. The Tardis (Doctor Who)
Ok, so a larger Tardis for an adult may bit be a larger DIY project, but come on, that is the cutest thing in existence.
2. Firefox
Here’s one for the web developers and web designers, the Firefox logo! In terms of costumes for IT, this one takes a fairly good slice of the cake.
3. The Blue Screen of Death
Award for the creepiest costume on the list of costumes for IT? Yep, this one. Although punny and Halloween-themed, it does somehow make Death even scarier when he’s got a giant monitor for a head.
4. The gang from Mario Kart
YES. By far my favourite is this bunch of awesome guys (yes, Peach is a guy) getting together to dress and play as the Mario Kart bunch. Possibly the coolest and most dedicated costumes for IT and tech lovers.5. Oregon Trail
From the famous 1971 computer game “The Oregon Trail” (where the player assumes the role of a wagon leader guiding his/her party of settlers on the Oregon Trail in 1848), is, well, the wagon. Definitely a creative one, if not weirdly specific.6. Pac-Man (+ Ghosts)
The video game pioneer of the 80s, Pac-Man and his fellow ghosts are difficult DIY costumes for IT and tech lovers, but all the blood, sweat, and beer involved in the making would surely impress anyone, let alone yourself!7. A Retro 3D Viewmaster (+ Slide Reel)

Image: Costume Works
8. Tetris
Well, I guess you can get away with literally calling them “blockheads”. Only a few cardboard boxes, scissors, tape, and paint will guarantee a classic costume, worth only a couple of hours of work.9. Clippy
Ugh, Clippy. What can we say? It was nice always getting rid of you? In all seriousness, though, dressing up as Clippy for Halloween is ironically hilarious.
10. Google Maps
Certainly a far stretch for this one. But kudos for thinking outside of the box, and going as a map location. I mean, that’s either extremely lame or considered modern art brilliance.
11. 404 Error
One of the ultimate costumes for IT and tech lovers, and no doubt the simplest of the bunch, is the classic “404 Error” shirt. You will literally only need a plain t-shirt and a permanent marker. That’s it — the cheapest and wittiest costume ever invented.
12. The cast of The Big Bang Theory
When I thought costumes for IT, I thought, well, why not dress up like the cast of nerdy scientists that everyone knows and loves?
13. Google?
Second-best to the cheapest and simplest costume idea, the “404 Error” t-shirt, is the “let’s all dress up to form the Google logo” costume for a group of 6 friends. Again, just a bunch of t-shirts and a rainbow of permanent markers. Just don’t leave each other for the whole night, and stay in that order. Either way, it’s a great idea for making friends or wing-manning.
14. An Original GameBoy
Go for gold and dress up as my childhood sweetheart this Halloween in an original GameBoy outfit! Only criticism is that it reminds me of Lisa’s Floreda.