We’ve moved offices!
You heard that right. Before the exciting announcement of Digital Pacific Group’s acquisition of Anchor Hosting, we were super busy with the big project of moving the entire office and its staff from the Digital Pacific office in Circular Quay to the Anchor office in the Sydney CBD in an orderly and fashionable manner, whilst continuing to operate support and system administration at the expected level.
(If you’re a bit confused, Crucial was acquired by Digital Pacific in mid-2015).
Thankfully, everything went swell over the 2-3 week period. Everyone lent a helping hand, whether they were on the phones or computers, or being pacing madmen (and madwomen) spurting incoherent blabber while rummaging through cabinets and stuffing boxes of seemingly endless stuff, to then have to unpack it all and painfully re-place everything in their correct positions and angles and make sure your computer monitors’ edges are touching — can you tell that I’m a little OCD?
Now, we’re all settled; Digital Pacific, Crucial, and Anchor staff all cosily together in a neat and homely office!
Out with the old…
- Chris regretting volunteering for the job.
- Packing and looking cool.
- Giving up and hiding.
- Dev team gettin’ their hands dirty.
- Shaun suspiciously wheeling stuff.
- We lost Chris again…
- Walling Tony in.
- Such amusement from a big roll of bubble wrap!
- Time to leave!
And in with the new!
- Moving on in.
- Pre-tech support area.
- Dan setting up the screen rig.
- The “stand back and admire the finished job”.
- Chris setting up his computer with absolute struggle.
- One of the many picturesque views from the office.
- Lunch (burger) time!
- The boys trying out the foosball table. (Left to right: Chris, Raj, Tom N, and Tom H)
- A (hopefully) friendly game of pool.