Round the Office Roundup
Sgarnon (Australian colloquial term meaning “How are you faring on this fine day, my friend?”). Welcome to another addition of our series of roundups, where you get a peek into all the shenanigans that occur around the Crucial office, as well as any informative article you may have missed.
So, sgarnon?
Meet one of our many successful customers, Joshua
We recently added Joshua Maher to our Success Stories page on the Crucial website, mainly because he had such a great story to tell about his move to Crucial! Read his story here, or by clicking his handsome face below:
Breakdown of the Managed VPS
Our Managed VPS range is pretty awesome, but what it’s most known for is the elite management from our expert team of sysadmins, who act as a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a dark knight. Although, I find it interesting that not many Managed VPS customers know about all of its features, and that’s what our brief article is here to rectify! Click on the server rack below to check it out:
Friday Lunch
So, last Friday saw the office enjoying an (alternatively) healthy selection of meats and veggies to make succulent rolls. Something different, but I’m pretty sure this week is back to burgers!
TED Talks about the life on the Internet
Ok, let’s clear things up here. This isn’t the ludicrous teddy bear from the hit comedy film ‘Ted’ talking about life on the Internet, these are TED Talks from the various TED event conferences that take place around the world. Now that that’s cleared up, you should definitely check out our article that I’m talking about to get your daily dose of interesting and some hilarious topics varying from social media to email spam. Click on the TED below to check it out!
Microsoft updates OS versions back to XP for security reasons
Microsoft, unprovoked, have released a series of security updates to counteract a potential wave of future ransomware attacks similar to the WannaCry outbreak of last month. Click on the hurt Windows logo for more information:
Beware of the Phish
Ok, so not literal fishes. But there’s been a scam email sent around recently to our customers that you should probably be aware of. Check out all you need to know about it in our article, by clicking the logo below:
That’s all for this week, fellas!