Round the Office Roundup | October Edition
Hello and welcome to the most wonderful ride of your life (if you’d had a pretty boring life so far, that is)! Our Round the Office Roundup series is where we exhibit our adventures over the recent month or so; which involves our informative articles and the super fun stuff that goes on around the office: from the revelry of Friday lunches to the various doughnut or beer-related events.
So, what’s going on?
You may need an SSL certificate because of Google!
Heads up if you don’t have an SSL certificate installed on your website! As of 24 October 2017, Google released Chrome 62 which aims to further take the fight to websites that are still running without an SSL certificate, and are therefore insecure.
Crucial has hosted RSPCA NSW for over 4 years now, and now and then they decide to visit our building and set up a stall in the lobby. This time they brought the beautiful duo, Nigel and Evan, and let’s just say insanely cute cuddles were had! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!
Follow us on any of our social media channels for the latest in Crucial life, as well as the helpful and interesting articles we post: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn | Google+
Also, if you missed out on our previous Roundups, you wouldn’t have seen the insane platter of chocolates we (ashamedly) demolished, among other groovy articles, events, and lunches. Click on the two handsome vampires below to find out more!