How to Optimise for Voice Search in 2019
Voice search has rapidly grown both in popularity and in usage recently. Nowadays, more and more consumers are opting for a voice search..
A 7-step guide to making your website mobile friendly
‘Mobile friendly’ describes a website that looks good and operates efficiently on a mobile device, the most common means by which the..
What is Reseller Hosting?
If you haven’t heard, Crucial has revamped our reseller hosting plans, but…. what is reseller hosting?
Top considerations when choosing a web hosting service
So you’re starting your web hosting adventure with your very own website, but you’re undecided on which company to use!
There are so..
Simple Tips for keeping your website alive during peak periods! #2
Have you read the first half of our series?
In part 1, we covered two key essentials in keeping your website online during a traffic..
Simple tips for keeping your website alive during peak periods! #1
Having peace of mind when running an online business is hard to come by, especially at the beginning stages of launch – (Here are a few..
Don’t Be Late On Chrome 68
Firstly, we sincerely apologise for rhyming. It won’t happen again. Secondly, Chrome version 68 has landed, which brings harsh..
First 3 Things to Always Check When Starting A New Online Business in Australia
There’s something so exciting about starting up a brand-new Australian business, whether it’s based on an idea you’ve been carefully..
5 Apps to help manage your online business
In today’s world, mobile apps can pretty much do anything you want them to, from sending you simple notifications, to controlling every..
Improving security on your WordPress hosted website
Having a WordPress hosted website for your business is great. There are hundreds of plugins that can be easily installed, that are..
Post ‘.au’ domain change, what does this mean for you?
On July 1st 2018, over 3 million .au domain names were transitioned over to a new registry operator, Afilias, with an update to national..
How to Explain Web Hosting to your Grandparents
Explain web hosting? Duck soup! It’s in the cloud but not necessarily in a cloud, wait, hold on, isn’t it the cloud itself? Now we’re..