Crucial launches an Australian hosting first, Managed Google Apps.

September 2, 2015 5:21 pm Wednesday, 03 August 2015: Leading Australian web hosting company, Crucial, has launched Australia’s first, Managed Google Apps for Work, defining a new era for the award-winning company.Crucial’s CEO, David Murray, said the new product, Managed Google Apps creates a simplified experience that will resonate with the thousands of Australian small businesses looking to grow online.“We use Google Apps for Work, everyday and we truly see it as an asset to the way our team can create, collaborate and communicate.”The Sydney-based company has focused on delivering a better experience for customers, with the roll-out of an industry first concept; Managed Google Apps.Murray said “We understand as a technology company that there were some challenges with the maintenance and setup of Google Apps, something that Australian small businesses may struggle with, our answer to this was to handle the technical aspects of the apps with a managed solution of Google Apps for Work. Something we believe Australian small businesses will benefit from.”Crucial’s Managed Google Apps includes a custom, automated onboarding process, Crucial’s 24 x 7 x 365 support, Google’s top notch spam protection, web-based businesses tools, storage and custom email addresses.“Australia’s small businesses are often late adopters of Google Apps as they may not have the inhouse technical competency to set up and roll it out effectively. We’re challenging this by creating automated setup to help them whilst we manage and support the service. We are redefining the role of the hosting provider in Australia.” said Murray.Crucial’s Managed Google Apps has hit the market this week and is available from their website,crucial-launches-managed-services-for-google-apps.aspx

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